Recording keysigning attendants on phone

Stephan Beck stebe at
Mon Dec 12 19:00:00 CET 2016

Lachlan Gunn:
> Le 2016-12-08 à 22:30, Stephan Beck a écrit :
>> Yes, to your first question. How you would do that via the
>> hash-on-the-projector method, is not clear to me, though. Would that be
>> for generating the (initial) list of the organizers as in Sassaman
>> Efficient (as an additional service for people using cell phones or
>> tablets)? Or wouldn't there be any paper copy at the event?
>> Sorry, for questions that might seem obvious to you.
> Yes, sorry.  There wouldn't be any paper copy, which might be a problem,
> unless you have a printer available to produce printed copies on demand
> which can be checked later.
> The idea is to allow people to add themselves to the list right up until
> the last minute, then someone cuts the ribbon, the system emails it to
> everyone and displays it on the projector, and they all follow either
> the standard Sassaman method or Peter's hybrid one.

Thanks for the explanation, Lachlan. Ok, I see, preparations (required
in the Sassaman Efficient keysigning event model), in your scheme, are
done electronically right before the event starts, are they?
Well, that may be fine for many people.
Don't ask me why, but, personally, I'd always prefer an additional paper
copy as a security measure.



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