Craft public key so that private key equals given string (my password)?

Ben Staude sben1783 at
Fri Jan 2 17:04:33 CET 2015


> Another thought: You could generate a Keypair with a keysize small enough to
> remember als a password but then I think the key size is that small it won't
> be secure anymore.

Would a key size matching the size of my password (say, 15 characters) 
be less secure than symmetric encryption with that password?

Another thought would be to just paste the private key (encrypted by my 
password) to the gpg'd files? Of course my private key would then be 
sort of "public", but still it is as secure as using symmetric 
encryption with that password in the first place (but allowing me to use 
the real public key in my script)? Does gpg by any chance happen to 
offer some feature like that..?


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