Notes from the first OpenPGP Summit

Simon Josefsson simon at
Tue Apr 28 14:45:22 CEST 2015

Werner Koch <wk at> writes:

>   I appreciated the opportunity to meet the GPG Tools developers, who
>   are very dedicated to make GnuPG working well on OS X.  I stressed the
>   importance to actively participate on the GnuPG mailing list to keep
>   information in sync.  One example may illustrate this: For years the
>   adaption of GnuPG-2 on GNOME based systems has been hampered by the
>   fact that the gnome-keyring-manager (GKR) tries to emulate gpg-agent
>   and thus inhibits proper working of any advanced function of GnuPG
>   (e.g. smartcards and gpgsm).  With Debian’s release of Jessie that
>   problem will even be worse due to other desktop environments now also
>   using GKR.  Given that the GKR developers are not willing to change
>   their defaults, Neal, dkg, and me came up with a pragmatic solution
>   for this problem on Saturday morning.

What is this solution?

I am working around the bug in Jessie [1], but GKR's bug/design is a
real pain if you want to convince others to start to use GnuPG with
smartcards.  I recently noticed that my fix doesn't even work on Ubuntu,
so each OS need their own fix... :-(


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