gpg: sending command `SCD PASSWD' to agent failed: ec=6.55

Tristan Santore tristan.santore at
Tue Mar 18 15:20:30 CET 2014

Dear All,

Has anyone seen this before, when trying to change pins or enter pins ?

gpg: sending command `SCD PASSWD' to agent failed: ec=6.55

Package versions:

After downgrading to another version from our builders, namely,
gnupg2-smime-2.0.21-1.fc20.x86_64 gnupg2-2.0.21-1.fc20.x86_64 this
problem is solved.

Do you want me to file this one on your bugzilla ? I would file it on
ours, but then our poor triage people get to it, then the package
maintainer and then it ends up with you anyway, so I may as well file it
directly. How can I assist you in providing you more output, so you can
debug it ? If, of course,  you want me to file this one.

Thank you.




Tristan Santore BSc MBCS
Network and Infrastructure Operations
Mobile +44-78-55069812
Tristan.Santore at

Former Thawte Notary
(Please note: Thawte has closed its WoT programme down,
and I am therefore no longer able to accredit trust)

For Fedora related issues, please email me at:
TSantore at

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