2048 or 4096 for new keys? aka defaults vs. Debian

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Sun Oct 27 13:04:07 CET 2013

On Sun, 27 Oct 2013 12:15, johanw at vulcan.xs4all.nl said:

> ElGamal/DSA to RSA after the RSA patent expired? Does RSA have any
> advantages over ElGamal/DSA? The only one I can think of is less

It is in general faster and there are OpenPGP implementations which only
support RSA (despite that the standard requires DSA and Elgamal).  The
drawback is that RSA signatures are larger than those made with DSA.
IIRC, we discussed that back then and you may find something in the
mailing list archives.



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