Problem with omnikey cardman 4040

Werner Koch wk at
Mon Jul 15 09:36:54 CEST 2013

On Sun, 14 Jul 2013 19:23, lorenz.wenner at said:

>> There is a workaround in gpg which sometimes help to get
>> something done with this reader but it is not reliable.
> will you tell me?

It will always be used for the /dev/cmx readers:

      /* We employ a hack for Omnikey readers which are able to send
         TPDUs using an escape sequence.  There is no documentation
         but the Windows driver does it this way.  Tested using a
         CM6121.  This method works also for the Cherry XX44
         keyboards; however there are problems with the
         ccid_tranceive_secure which leads to a loss of sync on the
         CCID level.  If Cherry wants to make their keyboard work
         again, they should hand over some docs. */
      if ((handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_OMNIKEY
           || (!handle->idev && handle->id_product == TRANSPORT_CM4040))

> when I kill -9 the scdaemon and retry gpg --card-status, scdaemon gets restarted.

Right.  gpg diverts all smartcard access via gpg-agent to scdaemon.
Thus to enable debugging you need to add

  debug 1024
  debug 2048
  log-file /foo/bar/mylog

to ~/.gnupg/scdaemon.log and check that log file.  Use "gpgconf --kill
scdaemon" or "pkill scdaemon" to restart scdaemon.



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