Is it possible to use keys that aren't on the keyring?

Jim Treinen jtreinen at
Fri Feb 22 18:43:14 CET 2013


I have a question about retrieving keys for use with GPGME.

I understand that GPG is primarily built to function using keys on the
user's keychain, however, I was wondering if it is possible to perform
crypto operations using keys that are not on the keyring.  For example,
rather than encrypting a file for a recipient on the user's keyring, and
retrieving it by fingerprint, is it possible to use a public key out of
memory, for example from a web service call that retrieved the recipient's
key from a publicly hosted key store?  gpgme_get_key appears to only work
with the crypto backend ( gpg and the corresponding keyring) .  I was
wondering if there are any alternatives to reading in keys than from the
native key ring ?

Thanks in advance,

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