What is the latest version

Charly Avital shavital at mac.com
Fri Dec 20 07:38:14 CET 2013

Matt D wrote on 12/19/13, 3:25 PM:
> I am running enigmail 1.5.2 .   Is this old?  How can I get the
> latest?  Thanks!

According to the raw source of your message, you are running:
"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101
"X-Enigmail-Version: 1.5.2" (which you already indicated in your post).

It seems that this combination is part of the Linux distro you are running.

You might update to Enigmail 1.6 by downloading the appropriate release
from <https://www.enigmail.net/download/index.php> and proceed according
to the instructions.

I think your query might be best answered in Enigmail User's list.

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