gpgsm, certificate expired, different certificate, epa does not encrypt

Uwe Brauer oub at
Wed Dec 18 18:23:54 CET 2013

>> "Jens" == Jens Lechtenboerger <cloudpg at> writes:

   > On Mi, Dez 18 2013, Uwe Brauer wrote:
   >> I am using Xemacs, gnus the epa pkg for encrypting s/mime using gpgsm.

   > Hi Uwe,

   > if I understand you correctly, you fail to encrypt to your From
   > address, right?

Not really, my from address is oub at the corresponding
certificate is *NOT* expired.

I have also a gmail account whose certificate is expired, but which does
not play any role here. Or should not play any role here.

   > If I’m not mistaken, epa does not encrypt to From addresses by
   > default.  What did you do to make that happen?

   > Does your gpgsm.conf contain “encrypt-to” for the expired
   > certificate?

No! Yuk there is indeed a line! :'(
encrypt-to <burrurr at>

Why the hell is this line there? Maybe I did some testing and forgot
about it. :-D 

Thanks very much


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