Another step towards crowdfunding

C. Rossberg cr at
Tue Dec 17 20:40:13 CET 2013

On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, Doug Barton wrote:

> On 12/17/2013 05:53 AM, Sam Tuke wrote:
> | On 14/12/13 21:27, Zechariah Seth wrote:
> |> Will GnuPG blogs be cross-posted to the gnupg-users list? :)
> |
> | I could do that if others are happy with the idea. Any objections? Werner?
> How about a synopsis and URL instead?

How about an RSS-Feed.

This would be a nifty trade-off. Clients like newsbeuter, gnus, liferea
already provide a somewhat 'summarized' view of the blogpost and would
allow your favourite browser to show the whole article, provided that you want to
read more.

That creates traffic to the blog itself and points interested people to

Additionally, RSS offers the opportunity of syndication.

Those who don't want to use a rss-client of its own or the rss-feature
of their mail-client could still use a browser-plugin. 

The RSS-Feed could be archived via gmane/gwene.


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