A safe text editor

Milo gnupg at oneiroi.net
Sun Sep 9 13:12:10 CEST 2012


On 09/09/2012 11:16 AM, Paul Richard Ramer wrote:
> On 09/05/2012 12:39 AM, antispam06 at sent.at wrote:
>> Could you recommend a safe text editor, in the sense it does protect
>> the edited contents in memory, but, most important, on the disk (temp
>> files and such). Having functions to interact with gnupg would be even
>> better.
>> The point is to edit a text and have it all encrypted on disk. I'd like
>> one that goes for .asc instead of .txt.
> I don't know of a text editor that meets this criteria (granted I
> haven't done any research), but as for protecting the temporary files,
> you may want to use disk encryption instead.  By using disk encryption,
> you can ensure that the temporary files are encrypted while you are
> editing regardless of which editor you use.  But as for a text editor
> that uses protected memory, I don't have a recommendation for you.

AFAIR vim 7.3 or higher is able to encrypt swap and undo files (with
blowfish for example). Not sure about other (possible) temp files.

Also there are vim scrips allowing some level of integration with gnupg.

Please follow vim docs for details.

> --Paul
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