gnupg and excel sending email.

Aaron Toponce aaron.toponce at
Thu Mar 22 21:18:18 CET 2012

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 09:24:06AM -0600, Eric wrote:
> After installing gpg4win-2.1.0 the email button from excel (2003)
> will not send out mail.  It will put the mail in my Outlook inbox
> instead of sending it.
> Can't forward the email because it hammers the formatting.  Is there
> a fix or do I need to force my user to send the excel sheet as
> attachment direct from outlook.
> Note:After uninstalling gpg4win the excel function works again so
> it's something with the gnupg

Nope. Not GnuPG, Gpg4win is the culprit. According to:, the Gpg4win components are:

    * GnuPG- the core
    * Kleopatra- Cert manager for OpenPGP asd x.509
    * GPA- Alt. cert manager
    * GpgOL- A plugin for MS Outlook 2003 and 2007
    * GpgEX- A plugin for MS Explorer 32bit
    * Claws Mail- An MTA
    * Gpg4win Compendium- Docs

So, it would appear to me that the culprit from what you have described is
the GpgOL plugin, and NOT GnuPG.

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