Malformed Revokation Certificate?

David Shaw dshaw at
Wed Aug 8 22:53:48 CEST 2012

On Aug 8, 2012, at 5:24 AM, Jay Litwyn wrote:

> On 2012-08-08 2:20 AM, Peter Lebbing wrote:
>> On 07/08/12 15:18, Jay Litwyn wrote:
>>> I submitted this revokation certificate to a couple of servers and
>>> they said it was malformed,
>>> and I had trouble guessing how to generate anything different. So, I
>>> imported the revokation certificate, exported the whole key, and
>>> submitted that. It worked.
>> Now, I haven't ever revoked a key, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is how it
>> is supposed to work. After all, the revocation certificate is just a special
>> type of signature. You don't upload signatures to a keyserver, you upload keys
>> with signatures to a keyserver. The keyserver then merges in all the signatures
>> it has on that key.
> As long as the signature names what it signs, I do not see why a
> revokation certificate should not work on its own. It does when I
> import a revokation certificate to my own key.

A revocation certificate is a bare certificate, not attached to the key that it revokes.  This is an extension to the spec that GnuPG implements (as it is easier to save/print/archive a bare certificate).  If you want the keyservers to accept them, you need to talk to the keyserver folks.  As this is an extension, they aren't required to support it.

Alternately, if you set any of the PGP compatibility options (--pgpX) in GnuPG, it turns off the extension and outputs a public key along with the revocation certificate, ready for directly sending to keyservers.


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