WARNING: digest algorithm MD5 is deprecated

Tiago Faria tiago at xroot.org
Wed Sep 7 23:56:41 CEST 2011

On Wed, 07 Sep 2011 08:36:39 -0400
Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at fifthhorseman.net> wrote:

> fetching your key from the keyservers and inspecting it with pgpdump,
> i see nothing about MD5 either.  here's what i did:
>  gpg --recv 27FB1E3581B856269450EAFC25178AB4B9466FB4
>  gpg --export  27FB1E3581B856269450EAFC25178AB4B9466FB4 | \
>     pgpdump | grep 'Hash alg'
> Can you show a full transcript [0] of what you did that produced the
> warning?
> 	--dkg

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for getting back to me. Here is a report of what I done:

$ gpg --refresh-keys
gpg: refreshing 37 keys from hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net
gpg: key B9466FB4: "Tiago Faria <tiago at xroot.org>" not changed
gpg: WARNING: digest algorithm MD5 is deprecated

Hope this is enough, if not I'll send the full transcript as soon as I
get home.

Thank you.

Tiago Faria               |               http://xroot.org  
  OpenPGP Key ID: 0xB9466FB4 | http://xroot.org/contact
  FingerPrint: 27FB1E3581B856269450EAFC25178AB4B9466FB4
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