Key revocation UI confusion

Ben McGinnes ben at
Sun Oct 16 06:10:39 CEST 2011

On 16/10/11 6:00 AM, Michel Messerschmidt wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 02:58:27AM +1100, Ben McGinnes wrote:
>> On 16/10/11 2:15 AM, MFPA wrote:
>>> The key revocation message saying "this key was revoked" suggests it
>>> to be referring to the key that was just listed rather than the one
>>> that is about to be listed. Maybe something like "the following key
>>> was revoked" might be a better wording if the message appears before
>>> the revoked key.
>> That's a pretty good suggestion for a change, it would help to reduce
>> ambiguity.
> I would prefer "the following subkey was revoked"

That would be nice, but you can see from the example Andy included at
the start of this thread that the same line of text is used with
primary keys when they are revoked.

To change the line as MFPA suggests simply requires changing line
2,687 of g10/keyedit.c (in version 1.4.11, other versions might have
the line in different places) from this:

	tty_printf(_("This key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n"),

To this:

	tty_printf(_("The following key was revoked on %s by %s key %s\n"),

There are also language specific files in other directories which may
need to be updated.

To make the change you're suggesting would require additional code to
differentiate between a revoked subkey and a revoked primary or master
key.  Such a change might not be trivial.


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