Why is "--allow-non-selfsigned-uid" needed to import this key?

Steve Strobel steve.strobel at link-comm.com
Tue May 17 16:31:20 CEST 2011

>On Mon, 16 May 2011 19:32, steve.strobel at link-comm.com said:
> >         root:~> gpg --import test-key.gpg
> >         gpg: key CBF38289 was created 137948617 seconds in the 
> future (time warp or clock problem)

At 03:04 AM 5/17/2011, Werner Koch wrote:
>Try the option --ignore-time-conflict .

That works perfectly.  Thanks a bunch.


Steve Strobel
Link Communications, Inc.
1035 Cerise Rd
Billings, MT 59101-7378
(406) 245-5002 ext 102
(406) 245-4889 (fax)
WWW: http://www.link-comm.com
MailTo:steve.strobel at link-comm.com

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