PGP Help Require Basic

Hauke Laging mailinglisten at
Tue May 10 16:04:32 CEST 2011

Am Dienstag, 10. Mai 2011, 08:32:24 schrieb Aakash:

> Well, I have got to encrypt/decrypt the files using Open PGP. Now I have
> got PGP key block and Pgp KEY from other party. I have also installed GPG
> on my local machine.
> but i really dont have any idea what to do next. Please let me know what to
> do with PGP key (0xAJ7A9B41) and PGP key block (this is very strange text).

For the typical use of GnuPG you need two keys:

a) yours (consisting of a public key and a private key)

b) the one of your communication partner (public key only)

You have to import the public key oth the other one. And you have to create 
(or import) your own private key.

For information how this is done and how encryption / decryption is done after 
you got your keys working you should have a look at some documentation as you 
have been hinted at.

PGP: D44C 6A5B 71B0 427C CED3 025C BD7D 6D27 ECCB 5814
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