Help with GNU PGP - no password prompt when sending e-mails

Ben McGinnes ben at
Sat Nov 20 15:59:16 CET 2010

On 21/11/10 12:36 AM, Gold IsMoney wrote:
> The issue is obvious - if it doesn't ask me for my password when
> sending e-mails, it means that anyone with access to my pc can go
> into Thunderbird and send encrypted e-mails, using my identity.  Is
> this a bug, or is there some configuration somewhere that I need to
> change?

This is expected behaviour.  You only enter your GPG passphrase when
decrypting messages or signing messages.

As for preventing others from sending mail when you're away from your
computer, you should use a password to log in on boot or when waking
the system from sleep/screensaver.


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