updprefs command and changing key

John Clizbe John at Mozilla-Enigmail.org
Sat Mar 13 11:55:01 CET 2010

MFPA wrote:
> On Saturday 13 March 2010 at 12:07:08 AM, in
> <mid:DE002B15-FA18-49A1-B7B0-5AFAAF829339 at jabberwocky.com>, David Shaw
> wrote:
>> On Mar 12, 2010, at 6:31 PM, Faramir wrote:
>>> is there a way to disable the usage of 3DES in GnuPG, when
>>> encrypting?
>> Patch the source :)
>> There is no way other than that.
> Wouldn't "--disable-cipher-algo 3DES" achieve this?

"Google Is Your FriendĀ®"


"One" is, of course, free to shoot oneself in the foot. There is little rational
rationale for disabling 3DES.

But if "one" wishes to, then by all means go ahead.

John P. Clizbe                      Inet:John (a) Mozilla-Enigmail.org
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A:"An odd melody / island voices on the winds / surplus of vowels"

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