Help for a newby - gen-key error message
John Clizbe
John at
Thu Jun 24 06:10:52 CEST 2010
VH Dolcourt wrote:
> This is a Windows 7 question:
> I was able to mouse around in Google and found out how to modify the
> proper PATH environment variable. Therefore, at the command prompt I'm
> able to execute gpg without having to migrate to the directory where gpg
> lives. The good news is that I'm able to run "gpg --version" and get gpg
> to talk to me. The bad news is that I am getting an error message when I
> invoke gpg --gen-key at the command prompt. There error is <gpg home
> directory>\gpg.conf:5: invalid auto-key-locate list. I’ve re-installed
> gpg, but that did not help.
> Any ideas for fixing the problem?
Edit gpg.conf (Notepad should work fine) and comment out the offending line (#5)
by inserting a # at the beginning of the line.
gpg.conf is /normally/ located in the same directory as the keyring files:
pubring.gpg, secring.gpg, trustdb.gpg. The default locations are
- Window XP and earlier (XP/2000/NT) -
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\GnuPG
- Windows Vista and Windows 7:
John P. Clizbe Inet:John (a)
You can't spell fiasco without SCO. hkp:// or
mailto:pgp-public-keys at
Q:"Just how do the residents of Haiku, Hawai'i hold conversations?"
A:"An odd melody / island voices on the winds / surplus of vowels"
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