openPGP card: using a readers keypad instead of pinentry-qt

Malte Gell malte.gell at
Thu Feb 12 14:45:26 CET 2009

Am Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2009 12:41:45 schrieb Werner Koch:

> On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 09:46, malte.gell at said:
> > being a class 3 reader, my cardreader has a keypad and a display, but
> > gpg- agent still invokes pinentry-qt to enter the pin. How can I change
> > this to use the cardreader's keypad?
> Your card reader's keypad is not supported.  See this comment:
>   /* We have only tested a few readers so better don't risk anything
>      and do not allow the use with other readers. */
>   switch (handle->id_vendor)

I see. Are there such specific requirements by different card readers that you 
are forced to individually test them for keypad support? Could someone who 
owns such a not yet supported reader help you?

> You also need to use the internal ccid driver. order to get keypad support? PCSC has proven to be most reliable to 
me... I have not been able to get the CCID running. Does GnuPGs internal CCID 
driver run with *any* CCID cardreader?


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