Paperkey question

Ian Hill ian at
Mon Feb 9 13:07:49 CET 2009


I seem to be having some problems using the papertest key provided with
the application (attached) and the associated key to create a paperkey I
have extracted the following octets for each key and subkey.

Key 1
FE 03 03 02 56 AC A0 3D F2 14 48 D2 60 22 90 E7 0A 58 94 51 F7 3D
5B 2A 4D 9C 26 B9 C1 AF 27 34 D3 D0 95 FE 69 9A C8 7D A4 E8 00 4E
9A 52 11 E9 C3 68 E4 BC E7 0E B2 15 D8 47 8A 6A 19 95 A6

Key 2
FE 03 03 02 56 AC A0 3D F2 14 48 D2 60 91 84 44 F2 DB A1 1A E8 0E
D4 72 82 18 FB E6 B6 85 6A 32 F6 15 E9 89 1C 7F 55 DD D5 45 EE 11
E7 DE 44 4C 2B 5B EB 2C 30 91 1E 1F F0 03 6A 2C 30 AD 55 90 6C D0
9F 39 7C E7 53 06 F2 BE F7 AE 1B A1 DE A2 1A 58 8A C5 2C

Key 3
FE 03 03 02 33 E6 5A 12 FA 15 D4 24 60 91 E7 D2 F8 74 2D DB 04 38
78 DC 6B C8 A2 AC 25 6D 5D 6B DE E5 01 F8 12 19 D5 DB 33 16 2E A5
C2 AA 9E AA 72 AB 8B 3B 4D D1 9D B5 6C EF E1 31 BF 99 19

Using a hex-editor I have then appended these octets to the public key
to give me the attached file.  This is not the same as the secret key
and cannot be imported as a secret key.

What is wrong with this process.

David Shaw wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2009, at 10:59 AM, Ian Hill wrote:
>> Can you explain the instructions, do you just add the octets to the end
>> of the public key.  Is this the same with multiple subkeys.
> Yes, and yes.  In OpenPGP, a secret key is just a public key with some
> extra stuff (the secret numbers) tacked on to the end.  That's how
> paperkey makes the keys so small - it can safely leave off all the
> public key information.
> David
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