GNUPG and PKI compatibility (?)

Christoph Anton Mitterer christoph.anton.mitterer at
Thu Feb 5 21:19:03 CET 2009

On Thu, 2009-02-05 at 18:35 +0100, Csabi wrote:
> Is it possible that GNUPG compatible with PKI (Public Key 
> Infrastructure)?
gpg is a PKI, or better said, it's a client to be used with an PKI (the
OpenPGP PKI, Web of Trust, or however you call it)

> I would like to use PKI with GNUPG but i failed :(((
You probably mean the X.509 PKI. OpenPGP and X.509 are incompatible, but
I'd suggest you to use OpenPGP, as it's more secure.

> If GNUPG is not compatible with it, do you know a great PKI 
> freeware program?
Depending on whether you mean X.509 you could use gpgsm, which is also
part of GnuPG.

gpg/gpg2 -> OpenPGP
gpgsm -> X.509

Christoph Anton Mitterer
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

christoph.anton.mitterer at
mail at
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