Changing preferences

David Shaw dshaw at
Wed Sep 24 16:41:44 CEST 2008

On Sep 24, 2008, at 7:33 AM, Faramir wrote:

>  Once I saw a shelf attached to the wall by no less than 24 screws.
> When the shelf was removed, the wall looked like it had been attack  
> with
> a screw-shooting machine gun. Sure, the shelf was firmly attached to  
> the
> wall, but it would have been better to use bigger screws, or maybe to
> add "legs" to it to support its weight. Or maybe some other solution.

If the goal was to keep the shelf attached to the wall, why would some  
other solution be "better" ?   If there was something heavy on that  
shelf, and I was standing under it, I'd probably be pretty satisfied  
with 24 screws holding it up.


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