WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir `/m/a/etc/naclient/ppcbackup

Sven Radde sven at radde.name
Thu May 29 00:15:54 CEST 2008


Am Mittwoch, den 28.05.2008, 21:27 +0200 schrieb Josef Wolf:
> homedir is readable only by myself:myself.  Why is this directory
> considered to have unsafe permissions?  How do I get rid of this warning?

I would suggest to remove any access rights except for the *user*
In other words, make sure that the permissions read "drwx------".

GnuPG cannot know that you are probably the only user of the group
"myself". Therefore, other people could have read access to your private
keyring, which is probably the issue that GnuPG complains about.

HTH, Sven

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