Linux crypto killer apllication

Sven Radde email at
Thu May 15 09:24:04 CEST 2008

David Picón Álvarez schrieb:
> Well, I'm pretty sure if GnuPG had the limit you suggest (2048) it 
> would be legally unusable for some purposes, due to legal guidelines, 
> "best practices", and all that tosh.
FWIW, german digital signature laws AFAIK mandate a key length of 
exactly 1024 bits even for the strongest class of signatures.
Certificates for electronic banking (also a heavily regulated field) are 
of 1024 bits (or is even 768 still common?).

Inadequate cryptographic strength is certainly not something that would 
be attributed to GnuPG very often...

cu, Sven

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