Unable to "create" enigdbug.txt

John Clizbe John at Mozilla-Enigmail.org
Thu Mar 13 17:24:13 CET 2008

Charly Avital wrote:
> Robert D. wrote the following on 3/13/08 7:22 AM:
>> I noticed this log-error to console, this AM. 
>> 2008-03-13 05:48:13.589 enigmail.js: CreateFileStream: Failed to create \desktop/enigdbug.txt
>> Wondering how I can rectify the problem in my OS/X 10.4 sys
>> and
>> wondering where enigmail.js is located since I was unable to find it with a
>> normal search on the Mac here.
> In my OS X 10.5.2, enigmail.js is located at:
> $HOME/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles/string.default/extensions/{string}/components/enigmail.js
> How to rectify the problem? I have Googled   enigdbug.txt macos, found
> many links mainly to postings by Mac users, but I can't relate them to
> your problem. Maybe you might try a Google search with your own key words?
>>From the raw source view of your e-mail, you are running:
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US;	rv:
>  Gecko/20080213 Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/

The first step I'd take toward rectifying this would probably be to ask on the
*Enigmail* list, enigmail at mozdev.org. Folks with plenty of Mac OS X development
skills and specific knowledge of Enigmail are there. This really isn't a GnuPG

Second, Note: I am *not* an OS X user, /but/ in Enigmail's Advanced Preferences,
on the Debugging tab, there is an entry for 'Log Directory'. This is usually set
to the location of the user's or system's temp directory, /tmp.  I looks like
this value is undefined for the OP and Enigmail is left ending up trying to
create it on the fall-back default, Desktop. Actually, Enigmail's routine is
returning "", an empty string. Desktop would be the OS default.

John P. Clizbe                      Inet:   John (a) Mozilla-Enigmail . org
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