public newer than the signature

Andrew Berg bahamutzero8825 at
Wed Aug 13 01:43:49 CEST 2008

Faramir wrote:
> Then I began to think... what does 06/09/08 mean? Here (at Chile), that
> would mean September 6, 2008. But on USA, that means June 09, 2008.
> Clearly, since we are at August 11, 2008, the time format in the output
> message is mm/dd/yy. But my windows is using dd/mm/yyyy, so, maybe at
> some point, something (gpg, or gpgshell, or maybe the function that gets
> the current date) is taking mm/dd/yy as if it was dd/mm/yy, causing the
> whole date calculation function to go crazy...

Time for computers is generally just the number of seconds since January 
1, 1970 at 12:00:00 UTC if I'm not mistaken. Date formats are derived 
from that and displayed according to the user's preference.
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