Caching passphrase...

Laurent Jumet laurent.jumet at
Wed Nov 21 00:25:06 CET 2007

Hello Matthew Loring !

> I am using the binary version of GPG for Windows, version 1.47.
> Everything works fine, but I have a need to automatically decrypt
> files through a script. The hangup that I have right now is that GPG
> wants me to enter in my passphrase when decrypting files. Is there a
> way to cache the passphrase or save it in a file so that it does not
> prompt me to enter my passphrase for my secret key?

       --passphrase-fd n  Read  the  passphrase from file descriptor
n.  Only the first  line will be read from file descriptor n.  If you use
0  for  n,  the passphrase will be read from stdin.  This can only
be  used if only one passphrase is supplied.
       --passphrase-file file  Read the passphrase from file file.
Only the first line will  be  read  from  file file.  This can only be
used if only one  passphrase is supplied.  Obviously, a
passphrase stored in  a  file is of questionable security if other
users can read this  file.  Don't use this option if you can avoid it.
       --passphrase string  Use string as the passphrase.  This can
only be used if  only  one passphrase is supplied.  Obviously, this
is of very ques-  tionable security on a multi-user  system.   Don't
use  this  option if you can avoid it.

Laurent Jumet
      KeyID: 0xCFAF704C

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