gpgpgsm merging public kbx / exporting all keys

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at
Thu May 10 13:02:13 CEST 2007


having two machines I would want to merge my public x509 certificates
from one to the other. Another use case would be backup purposes.
What is the recommended way doing this?
I found one and I believe this should be better documented.

gpgsm --export >exported-x509-keys
does not work.
gpgsm: exporting more than one certificate is not possible in binary mode

Oka so
    gpgsm --armor --export >exported-x509-keys
and gpgsm --import exported-x509-keys works.

While doing so I looked up the documentation "export [PATTERN]"
and searching for PATTERN did not result into the section that
explains how to select a user id. I suggest to add a sentence 
which contains "PATTERN" to this section.

Also with gpg you can just
gpg --import pubring.gpg which makes merging a lot easier.
For the gpg trust-list there are command line options for exporting
and importing. So I would suggest to add least add the example
of the recommended way to the manual and textinfo documentation.

I searched way to long to find this way.


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