[Macgpg-users] 1.4.7 packages for OS X

Sascha Welter swelter at mus.ch
Wed Mar 7 15:11:05 CET 2007

(Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 12:55:28PM +0200) Charly Avital wrote/schrieb/egrapse:
> I can't remember whether or which security problems 1.4.1 comported, but
> you will find complementary information in that site.

Since we've just had a security related update to 1.4.6 and a security
related update to 1.4.7, I'd be hesitant to use or recommend 1.4.1.

> All the above, until or if you decide to upgrade from 10.3.9.

There are Macs that can't upgrade beyond 10.3.9 and that will still work
fine with that system for many years to come.

Myself I tend to compile gnupg anyway, which IIRC never was much of a
problem on 10.3.9 anyway. But I understand that some people don't have
the knowledge or confidence to do that.



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