Batch Mode and decrypt

jane grove grove.jane at
Tue Apr 17 17:27:35 CEST 2007

Thanks, David.  I still have a question though:

In my script, I used the command
"gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 -d [INPUTFILE]"
to decrypt my "INPUTFILE".  When I run the script, it pauses and wait
for the passphrase.  If I enter the passphrase, the script goes
through well.  If I hit enter without the right passphrase, the script
complains about not having the right passphrase.

How can I run this script in silent mode, feed the passphrase to it
automatically?  I am trying not to interact with the script during its

Thanks - Jane

On 4/14/07, David Shaw <dshaw at> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 10:23:24PM -0500, jane grove wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am trying to use the GnuPG command "decrypt" in batch mode (i.e. in a script).
> > When I use the option "--batch", I don't have a way to enter the user
> > id or passphrase.
> Look at the --passphrase-fd, --passphrase-file, or --passphrase
> options.  They are all in the manual, and can be used to provide a
> passphrase during batch operation.
> However, if you are including the passphrase in a script, it is worth
> asking yourself if there is any security benefit in having a
> passphrase-protected key at all.  After all, an attacker who gets
> access to the script needs merely to read it to know the passphrase.
> David

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