gpg --gen-key fails

Ladislav Hagara ladislav.hagara at
Thu Oct 12 23:09:33 CEST 2006

> Hi,
> I'm trying to generate a gpg key with
> Code:
> gpg --gen-key
> but i receive a message like (transtation):
> writable public keyring not found : eof
> what i'm supposed to do?

Just trying:

$ mkdir .gnupg
$ chmod 555 .gnupg/
$ gpg --gen-key
*gpg: no writable public keyring found: eof*
Key generation failed: eof
gpg: can't create `/home/user01/.gnupg/random_seed': Permission denied

Seems something with permissions.
What operating systems (Unix like, Windows)?

Ladislav Hagara

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