Unattended sign and encrypt a file using a script

Sam Morris sam at robots.org.uk
Sun Oct 1 16:42:52 CEST 2006

On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 22:53:22 -0800, dtt wrote:

> A newbie question:
> My bank asked me to upload a file signed and encrypted.
> When I do
> gpg --armor --sign -r <user> -o <file.gpg> -e <file.txt>
> it always ask for a passphrase.
> Since I am going to upload this file daily, how can I do the
> signing unattendedly thru a script ?

I think you will have to remove the passphrase on your secret key.

> I created a signature file mysignature.sig using gpg
> --detach-sign, how can I use it in the signing process
> without gpg prompting me to enter a passphrase ?

That's not what detached signatures are for... they are for saving a
signature into a separate file that can be used to verify the original
file (instead of having the signature inline in the original file).

> Thanks
> David T

Sam Morris

PGP key id 1024D/5EA01078
3412 EA18 1277 354B 991B  C869 B219 7FDB 5EA0 1078

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