
David Shaw dshaw at
Mon Nov 6 21:14:51 CET 2006

On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 10:14:07AM -0700, Joseph Bruni wrote:
> Hello,

> I would like to set up a keyserver at my business for a small number
> of users (c. 100). I've tried to build the latest versions of PKS,
> CKS, and SKS, but these projects haven't been updated in a long time
> and no longer build because of old library dependencies.
> Does anyone on this list manage a keyserver and if so, what are you
> using?

There are two good ways to run a keyserver.  If you are planning on
syncing your internal keyserver with the outside world, then SKS is
for you.  If you are having problems building it, ask on the SKS
mailing list at

If you are not planning to sync with the outside world, then may I
suggest using LDAP?  Many sites already have a LDAP server, and GnuPG
will quite happily use it as a keyserver.  The LDAP schema for OpenPGP
keys is at


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