Would Someone 'School Me', Please

Thorsten Haude linux at thorstenhau.de
Wed Dec 13 00:39:13 CET 2006


* John W. Moore III wrote (2006-12-12 16:09):
>What are the practical benefits behind:
>"Removed the use of g10defs.h.
>This required some code cleanups and the introduction of
>a few accessor ducntions in mpi."
>Being 'Old School' enough to believe "if it ain't broke. don't fix it" I
>would appreciate someone explaining to Me what was 'broken'.

Knowing neither which change you talk about nor indeed what g10defs.h
is, I still think this might give a hint:

Thorsten                                 Radiohead: Exit Music (For A Film)
When there are too many policemen, there can be no liberty;
When there are too many soldiers, there can be no peace;
When there are too many lawyers, there can be no justice.
    - Lin Yutang
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