solaris certification

David Shaw dshaw at
Wed Aug 2 02:22:44 CEST 2006

On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 06:06:54PM -0400, Daniel Guido wrote:
> Can someone update me on the status of certifying GPG to run on
> Solaris (all versions, all processors)?  I'm looking to place GPG into
> an environment which requires high assurance and I won't do it unless
> I hear it from the GPG developers themselves that all of GPG's
> functionality works in the manner it should on Solaris.

It's hard to fully answer this question.  What does "certifying" mean
to you?  Yes, I am one of the GPG developers, and yes, I say that GPG
functions correctly on Solaris.  However, why should you trust me? ;)

GPG is supported via the community.  If you need a higher level of
support (i.e. an email address or a phone number you can use and get
an guaranteed answer), you might want to take a look at where you can contact companies who
offer service contracts.


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