Extracting a single signature from a file containing multiple signatures

Derek Price derek at ximbiot.com
Thu Sep 22 03:29:04 CEST 2005

David Shaw wrote:

>Yes, and yes.
>To separate signatures, use 'gpgsplit', which comes with gpg.  You'll
>end up with each signature in its own file.
>The documentation of the signature file format is in RFC-2440:

Thank you very much.  That will be useful.  Is there some way I can
extract signature information from individual signatures without running
gpg --verify?  i.e. key ID, date, anything else that is available when
the signed data may not be?



Derek R. Price
CVS Solutions Architect
Ximbiot <http://ximbiot.com>
v: +1 717.579.6168
f: +1 717.234.3125
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