OpenPGP card and gpg-agent --enable-ssh-support

Andreas Liebschner fizban at
Sat Sep 3 12:03:57 CEST 2005

Werner Koch wrote:
> On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 01:48:30 +0200, Andreas Liebschner said:
>>But it still asks me the actual password for the user, not the pin or
>>the passphrase of my gpg key. So I thought I should have added some
> What does 
>   ssh-add -l
> give?  You should see the fingerprint of the card's key as well as
> the card's number.  Note that there isno actual need for gpgkey2ssh; I
> simply do
>   ssh-add -L
> which gives me the public key directly from the card.

Oh that's true, it works.. I used gpgkey2ssh because I saw a post from
may where you were talking about creating such a tool

>>Also, I noticed gpgkey2ssh will always produce a ssh-rsa key, even if I
>>pass it the CS or the E key, is this normal?
> Yes.


Well thank you, it's working just fine!

Andreas Liebschner <fizban at>

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