Encrypting for a user who has a IDEA public key

mconahan at zixtestott.com mconahan at zixtestott.com
Tue May 3 19:32:51 CEST 2005

mconahan at zixtestott.com wrote:

> Hi everyone,
>    I created a PGP keypair using a PGPCorp desktop client, where the 
> key used the IDEA cipher.  I then exported the public cert, and 
> successfully imported it into GnuPG.  I then was able to encrypt a 
> message for the PGPCorp user, and the PGPCorp user was able to decrypt 
> the message with their private key.  Is this expected behaviour of 
> GnuPG?  I thought GnuPG does not support the IDEA algorithm in any 
> form.  Could someone please shed some light on this?
One more question...how do you find out what the list of preferred 
algorithms are for a public key imported into GnuPG?

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