useless test keys and keyservers

Melissa Reese mreese at
Tue Mar 1 01:48:25 CET 2005

Hi Greg,

On Monday, February 28, 2005, at 3:55:41 PM PST, you wrote:


>> IMHO, anyone who signs emails to a public mailing list should make
>> their public key available with the minimum of fuss. This, to me,
>> means putting it on one of the recommended keyservers,


> Or simply putting a URL to a webpage with their key in the headers
> or the sig. (which allows them to give you their preferred copy of
> their key)

I'll be looking into getting a web page set up for my keys, but for
now, I distribute them via email auto-responder. Just click on the
mailto in my signature, and send the resulting email message. An
auto-reply with the keys will be sent immediately.

> How about, if the key IS public, it should be made publically
> available. Right now, the main option for doing so is the
> keyservers, which unfortunately have the flaw that anyone can make
> changes to anyone else's public key. That's why some people prefer a
> self-controlled web page.

And this is why I prefer to distribute my own keys. For the moment,
via email, and when I can finally get it together, on a web page.


PGP public keys:
mailto:pgp_keys at

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