How to delete superceded self signatures?

Martin Geisler mgeisler at
Sat Jun 4 16:18:18 CEST 2005

Dan Mundy <harob02 at> writes:

> even though i revoked, removed, and otherwise annihilated my other
> uids, then uploaded the key to the Keyserver, the revoked ones still
> appear. why don't they just go away?!

I think you've just discovered a feature of the keyservers: they don't
delete stuff, they will only append new signatures and in your case
new revocation certificates.

So you cannot delete a key from the keyservers, you can only mark it
as revoked by uploading it with a revocation certificate. Similarly I
believe you cannot delete a user id, you can just make it unusable by
revoking the self signature on it.

(This how I think things work --- please correct me if I'm wrong.)

Martin Geisler                                     GnuPG Key: 0x7E45DD38

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