Pb with my passphrase

Jens Kubieziel gnupg at kubieziel.de
Tue Jan 25 15:50:26 CET 2005

* CHALONS Bruno schrieb am 2005-01-23 um 16:49 Uhr:
> I installed OpenPGP on my computer but i don't remenber my passphrase,
> what can I do ?

There is apparently nothing you can do, except you have a revocation

> Redo a new KeyID et how to revoke the last one ?

If you have a revocation certificate you could import it. Without it
you're lost.

Jens Kubieziel                                   http://www.kubieziel.de
FdI#9: GUI
Ein Hintergrundbild und 12 Xterms (Kristian Köhntopp)

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