Signing files

fox3ec208 at fox3ec208 at
Fri Jan 14 22:36:08 CET 2005

On Friday 14 January 2005 16:24, Mark Ivs wrote:
> Hello,
> Can you llease clarify this...
> Lets say, I have GnuPG installed in machine A. I
> created a public key from machine A and I sent it to
> my customer. I received their Public key also.
> I need to encrypt and sign the files and put it in my
> ftp site and my customer will ftp it from there.
> I am going to encrypt the files using their public key
> and sign it using my private key.
> The problem is, this encryption program will run on
> Machine B. I have installed GnuPG in Machine B also. I
> am thinking I can add the public key created from
> Machine A to my key ring in Machine B. I know the
> passphrase for the key I generated from Machine A. For
> me to sign the files, do I need anything else from
> Machine A? private key or other files??
> Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
You should NEVER exchange any thing but PUBLIC keys! 
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