Creating a RFC3156 compliant encrypted message with Gnu PG

mconahan at mconahan at
Mon Feb 7 19:31:45 CET 2005

Kiefer, Sascha wrote:

Yes, I knew that, but thanks for your response. There was another 
responder who recommended that I should obtain the Enigmail (or Mutt) 
source, and view how those apps process rfc 3156 (PGP/MIME) messages. 
I'm taking that approach...I'm currently upgrading my environment with 
the requisites (Mozilla 1.7.x/Gnu PG 1.4), before compiling and 
installing Enigmail.

>Well, you have to build the MIME structure yourself.
>As far as i know GnuPG does not know about MIME in particular.
>Have fun.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: gnupg-users-bounces at 
>>[mailto:gnupg-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of 
>>mconahan at
>>Sent: Freitag, 4. Februar 2005 22:38
>>To: gnupg-users at
>>Subject: Creating a RFC3156 compliant encrypted message with Gnu PG
>>Does anyone know how to create a RFC 3156 compliant PGP encrypted 
>>message with Gnu PG?  I am building an app that is making use 
>>of the Gnu 
>>PG functionality, and I am having some trouble getting other PGP apps 
>>(said to be 3156 compliant) to accept it.  I have read both 
>>RFC 3156 and 
>>2015, and I seem to be missing something, since it isn't working. 
>>Does anyone know of tutorial site, or has a script that creates a RFC 
>>3156 compliant message?  Any help would be appreciated.
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