importing large keyring

David Shaw dshaw at
Fri Apr 22 00:16:00 CEST 2005

On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 11:28:39PM +0200, Gerhard Siegesmund wrote:

> > I've also seen similar "corruption" recently (with GPG 1.4.1):
> >   %gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv CA57AD7C
> >   Host: 
> >   Command:        GET
> >   gpgkeys: HTTP URL is `hkp://'
> >   gpg: buffer shorter than subpacket
> [...]
> This seems to be a common problem? I recently found the same errors, but
> didn't care about them. Is is something I should be concerned about?

No, not really (at least if you see them on a keyserver like in the
example).  The copy of the key on the keyserver is corrupt.  GnuPG
will do a reasonable amount of repair as it imports, and generally
ends up with a usable key.


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