Bug: Unusable key

Per Tunedal Casual pt at radvis.nu
Thu Feb 5 20:55:27 CET 2004

Hash: SHA1

At 16:36 2004-02-05, you wrote:
 >On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 04:35:35PM +0100, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
 >> Per Tunedal Casual wrote:
 >> > Hello,
 >> > I cannot encrypt to my personal key 0xAF351431 today! Maybe it's
 >> > because it expires today in the year 2012? The key expires: 2012-02-04
 >> Well, 0xAF351431 can only be used for signing and certification. The key
 >> you encrypt to is your subkey 0xE3889A13, which expired yesterday:
 >> pub  1024D/AF351431  created: 2002-02-04 expires: 2012-02-04 trust: -/-
 >> sub  4096g/E3889A13  created: 2002-02-03 expires: 2004-02-03
 >> This might be the reason you cannot encrypt to it :)
 >> But maybe gpg should throw an error showing *why* the key is unusable.
 >This is a little difficult since the reason is not always easy to say
 >in a simple error message.  For example, given a key with two subkeys,
 >one is expired, and one is revoked.  What should the error message
Why not "Encryption key unusable" nor "Encryption key revoked or expired".
Per Tunedal

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32) - GPGrelay v0.94


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