I have keys - now I want to encrypt a file

Doug Thomson dthomson_hms at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 6 22:05:37 CEST 2004

Hi all,
I have just installed gpg on my Solaris system.
My requirement is to encrypt small flat files and send
them to outside recipients.  I have successfully
imported two public keys from these recipients.  Now I
want to encrypt 'testfile' to prepare it for FTPing to
one of the recipients.  What syntax should I use?  I
have thus far tried 

gpg --encrypt-files testfile --recipient
somebody at location.com keyname

but I get the message 'you did not specify a user ID'


I have checked the FAQ and do not find the answer

thanks !

Doug Thomson

Minneapolis, MN  USA   
dthomson_hms at yahoo.com

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