Options to revoke a key

Adrian von Bidder avbidder at fortytwo.ch
Mon Oct 27 09:28:34 CET 2003

On Monday 27 October 2003 01:20, Stefan Nicolin wrote:

> the key). I still remember fragments of my passphrase.

You can then probably write a script/program to generate the possible 
passphrases (you probably know not only fragments, but perhaps also the 
general form of the parts you don't remember - where they numeric, 
alphanumeric, punctuation, how long were the parts etc.). So you should be 
able to narrow it down to a few thousand possible passphrases - then, 
depending on your coding skills, you can use a script that calls gpg (with 
--passphrase-fd; very slow) or a program that reads the secret keyring file 
and brute-forces it directly.

RFC2440 describes the binary format of the file you get when you do 
--export-secret-key (Hmm. On second thought - does it really? It only deals 
with public keys...)

-- vbi

featured link: http://fortytwo.ch/gpg/subkeys
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