decrypt failure using scheduling tool on UNIX; receive msg 'c annot open /dev/tty'

Weinmann, Robert robert.weinmann at
Mon Oct 20 10:19:06 CEST 2003

You need to use something like the following command line:

gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --batch -v -t --output $OUT --decrypt $IN <

note the "--batch" option.


Bob Weinmann 
Technical Support 
robert.weinmann at 
Humanic Solutions

-----Original Message-----
From: Kaipust, Michael [mailto:Mike.Kaipust at]
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2003 12:49 PM
To: gnupg-users at
Subject: decrypt failure using scheduling tool on UNIX; receive msg
'cannot open /dev/tty'

The following command executed in a Korn shell script from our scheduling
tool is yielding the message:
gpg: cannot open /dev/tty: No such device or address

gpg --recipient "Qwest HRBATCH"  --passphrase-fd 3 --output output.txt
--decrypt in.txt.pgp   3<pswd.txt

I had hoped that I could get around problem by utilizing a file-descriptor
(fd) other than 0 (std input) but the stmt above still results in the
/dev/tty error

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